WHO ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? Larry W Peebles January 28, 2022 22.03
My first hourly job was at a movie theater in my hometown. Though underage at age 15, with special letters of recommendation from my teachers, I was able to obtain a summer job as an usher, and ultimately a doorman. I worked the afternoon shift one day, and the night shift the next. The pay was $0.57 per hour. As an usher, I learned to greet people, and ask if they needed assistance finding a seat. I would escort them to their seats, often asking people to shift over a seat so I could “gather” seats in order to accommodate my party. I would look for vacant seats in advance, so as to promptly fill the request for assistance. I kept the aisles clear, and helped behind the candy case at the movie intermission.
As a doorman, I was responsible to greet the customer, and collect the ticket purchased outside at the cashier window. It was my job to stop people who tried to enter the theater without a ticket. No one entered the theater without passing by the doorman. Thirty minutes after the last movie of the evening had started, the cashier’s window closed. After the intermission, the candy case closed, and the usher went home. At this point, the only two employees left in the theater were the projectionist in the projection booth, and the doorman. The doorman stayed until the end of the last movie, checked to see that all patrons were gone, and locked the theater when the projectionist was done. It was after the cashier and candy case were closed that challenges often came. The “undesirables” came out of the night and wanted to enter the theater. If they could get in, they would try to take a seat (without paying), and watch the rest of the movie. The doorman had to intercept and stop them. The dialogue often went like this: Q-May I help you? A-I’m looking for someone. Q-Who are you looking for? A-Some name was given. Result-You may take a quick look.
Then the doorman (and the usher if available) would keep an eye on them as they walked down the aisles. If it was obvious they were being watched, they would eventually walk out. If they thought they could get away with it, they would take a seat. At that point the doorman would approach them and ask them to leave. I was only 5’7”, 125 lbs., but I approached them with all the authority I could muster. My suit and tie lent some authority, and also hid my thin frame. My voice had changed early in my maturing years, so I spoke in a deep bass voice. I was always nervous, but successful. Most often, they were looking for no one in particular; instead they were looking for something for free or simply messing with the doorman because they were bored.
Rewind about 2000 years to the Garden of Gethsemane. After dark, the “undesirables” (the Pharisees and temple guards, led by Judas) came looking to arrest Jesus, who was with His disciples in the Garden. Jesus as the doorman (“I am the door.” John 10:9), and ever in control, did not run or avoid them. He stepped out and asked them “Whom are you seeking [looking for]?” John 18:4. With all the authority of the Creator of the universe, Jesus demonstrated that no one was coming into the Garden to arrest anyone without passing by Him. Jesus stood between the mob and His disciples in order to protect them from what was about to happen to Him.
Three days later, when Mary Magdalene came to the tomb looking for the body of her crucified Lord, she must have been stunned to find Him not there. Peter and John had also come, but when they saw the empty tomb they left. Mary stayed and looked again. This time, she saw two angels in white where Jesus had been laid. John 20:11-17. They asked why she was weeping. She turned and Jesus, whom she did not recognize, asked her the same question. Jesus called her by name, and asked “Whom are you seeking?” She then recognized Him, and was overcome with joy. She was instructed by Jesus to go and tell the other disciples He was alive and ascending to Heaven.
When Jesus asks a question, He is not looking for information. When He asks a question twice, it is imperative to research and respond. Whom
[who]are you looking for? This 2000 year old question posed to the temple guards and to Mary echoes through the ages and demands an answer today. Who or what is the object of your life-journey? What are you searching for? What is your purpose?
Many feel they are looking for no one in particular, and answer only unto themselves. They live, plan and act for themselves. Secular humanism places man as the highest object of worship, so man in effect worships himself. Money and the pleasures it can buy are the objects of their lives. Comfort is also a motive for life, in terms of food, clothes, homes, cars, and bank accounts big enough to live comfortably. Status and recognition drive some, while others have lives that have come off the tracks and are driven by addictions and perversions such as sex, drugs and pornography. I have heard it said that if one will look at their own bank account (where they spend their money), and their calendar (where they spend their time), they can assess their own priorities. This is a good beginning to understanding what one is looking for in life.
Others are obsessed with power. Throughout history, political power and the power to rule have driven men’s lives. Some presidents, prime ministers, kings, the pharaohs of Egypt and the caesars of the Roman Empire have considered themselves gods (deity) or certainly ruled as though they were.
In looking for his own identity, value and purpose, man has steadily moved away from worshipping the One True God, and toward the worship of idols. An idol is any form of self-made gods. Instead of seeking the Creator, some have turned to the worship of creation. Today there are people groups who worship the mountains, rivers, trees, forests, sun, moon, rocks and stars. One of the largest and most densely populated nations on the planet worships animals, notably cows, tigers, elephants, frogs and birds. Shrines are everywhere, and over 3000 false gods are worshipped.
Man, created in the image of God, has a built-in homing mechanism that relentlessly searches for the origin of his creation. The answer is not in human sacrifice, the feathers of eagles, the heads of bulls, nor the skulls of tribal conquest. To this day, no dollar bill, mountain, frog or tree has ever answered a prayer, yet man forges ahead in his search for contact with the God who answers. Who or what are you looking for?
Jesus tells us the answer to His own question. When Jesus asked the temple guards who they were looking for, they responded “Jesus of Nazareth”. Without hesitation, Jesus said “I AM He.” I am the one you are looking for. At that moment His power and authority became graphically evident because they drew back and fell to the ground. His answer was loaded with truth. ‘I AM” had identified Himself.
When Moses turned from tending sheep to travel up the mountain to the burning bush, He encountered God. (See Exodus Chapter 3). Jesus spoke from the bush and told Moses He would save the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. When Moses asked His name (who was sending him), the response was “I AM” is sending Moses. The “I AM” would fight for Israel’s freedom from Egypt.
When Joshua had led the Israelites into the Promised Land, he encountered the Commander of the Armies of the Lord [Jesus] on the road to Jericho (See Joshua 5). When asked if the Commander came as friend or foe, the answer was simply “I have [AM] now come.” Jehovah, the Great Eternal One, the everlasting and eternal God, is the “I AM”. The “I AM” would fight for Israel to conquer the Promised Land.
Jesus was the one Moses and Joshua were looking for. When the temple guards came looking in the Garden, Jesus said I AM the one you are looking for. You may arrest and crucify me, but you will never kill me. My real mission is to defeat death and hell to gain freedom from sin for all mankind. I AM the one all mankind has been looking for-the Messiah, the ultimate Savior. My rule and reign will be forever, but I AM a loving God. You need not fear me. Indeed I have come to help you. After I return to Heaven, My Spirit will come to help and counsel you.
The I AM came to me suddenly in 1992 at a Sunday night healing service. With a physical touch on my body He healed a severe back injury that I had incurred playing sports. In that moment I knew He was real, that He knew my name, and cared about my pain. More importantly, in that moment I found the One I had been looking for. He was closer than I ever imagined. My answer was not in sports, career, position, or money. The God of the universe let me know He loved me and wanted to be my friend. My life changed forever. I began to study His word, and eventually surrendered my life to Him. I learned to love and obey Him, talking to Him more frequently, and letting Him lead me through the life process. I have never regretted that decision, and have never looked back.
Jesus is still asking today, “Who are you looking for?” I know the answer is Jesus. He is the One. When we confess that truth, our lives will take a sudden and dramatic change for the better, and we can come to know the One who created it all. He gave us life, and now wants to give us a greater abundant life. He loves us beyond measure, in spite of our past, and is waiting to enter into an intimate relationship with us. He is the One you are looking for.