THE TRUTH Larry W Peebles August 7, 2020 20.29
The growing use of social media to convey news and opinion has led to the need to carefully scrutinize the same for its truthfulness. When I was much younger, news was carefully researched and documented by reporters who were proud of their profession and committed to the integrity of what they reported. News was reported as factually as possible, and the conclusion was left to the reader or listener. If an error was made, a humble retraction was forthcoming. With the advent of multiple 24/7 news outlets, all tied to the internet, the news industry was faced with the need to be the first to report a story, while often sacrificing the verification of the underlying facts. For instance, if X (who may or may not be knowledgeable on the subject) said the sky was orange (when in fact it was blue), the headline is so outrageous it could not be ignored, so it will be quickly published as “X said the sky was orange”. While it is true X said it, it is not true that the sky is orange. Today’s society wants instant information at its fingertips so as to be able to quickly scan the information and move on to something else. If one is not careful, they will absorb and/or pass on the information from the example above and repeat that the sky is orange. The internet also gives the news outlet instant feedback on who is reading their news, and compares the results to the other news outlets. There is real-time non-stop competition to attract readers, which only contributes to the rush to get something/anything out to the public to draw their attention. Finding the truth is somewhere near the bottom of priorities in today’s hectic world of news production and reporting.
Here’s another example. With regard to the crisis we face today, the COVID-19 virus, and without attempting to separate news from opinion, I can easily find very different views on multiple facets of this pandemic. Are the tests for the virus reliable? Are the numbers of sick/recoveries/deaths accurate? Is it beneficial to wear a mask? Will it increase again as the weather cools? (It was supposed to decrease during the hot summer.) Are there successful treatments available? Is the vaccine necessary? Will it be safe and effective? Though a bit more risky, am I better off in the long run to contract the disease so my body will develop the necessary immunities? Through the internet and instant news, I can find groups of doctors and scientists, as well as politicians and news pundits who will give their opinions and state their underlying facts on different sides of these questions. The problem is that what is spoken today as truth may, with all good intent, be based on the facts as we understand them today. As time passes and we learn more, different facts may come to light. The reported truth then changes. It is enough to cause many to throw up their hands and ask “What is truth?”
Philosophers have debated this question for thousands of years. Answers vary, but here are a few. Some said truth is what the individual thinks is true, or what is relative to the individual. Others say truth is what society thinks is true, or what is relative to the society as a whole. The problem with these positions is that whatever is understood or reasoned for the individual or group of like-minded individuals is elevated to the level of truth. Each one gets to decide, elevating themselves to the status of a little god who knows truth. Taken to its conclusion, there is no big God. Therefore, when life gets out of control, there is no one to call on but oneself. Still other philosophers concluded truth is an absolute that can be objectively learned and followed. This may be closer to reality, but still depends on where the truth comes from—an absolutely reliable source, or the facts as we understand them today?
The Bible has much to say on this matter of truth. Not surprisingly, it takes a very different approach than did the ancient philosophers. Consider these points from the Scriptures:
- Jesus said- “I AM the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6). Truth is not a philosophical concept to be debated and chosen from an array of options. Truth is a person, Jesus, the Son of God. All truth is in Him, and all truth emanates from Him. As we shall see in the Scriptures that follow, He always was, is, and will be (I AM). Every word that He has ever spoken is the truth. Our finding the eternal plan for our life (the way), and the real life He has for us is intricately and mysteriously woven together with finding Him- the only source of truth that matters.
- Jesus is the Word of God. John 1:1-4- “In the beginning was the Word [Jesus], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He [Jesus] was in the beginning
with God; all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” Jesus spoke the Word, and created everything out of nothing. Evolution simply does not explain the intelligence of the design of creation, and therefore all creation, including man, must have had an intelligent designer. It does not explain how a random event- no matter how powerful- brought created order out of chaos. Man was created by God [Jesus] in His image, and God breathed life into man. All life, all truth, and all light necessary for life emanate from Jesus. Jesus said- “I AM the light of the world.” (John 8:12). Jesus is not only the Creator, He still holds His creation together-every atom of every cell and every star and planet. (See Colossians 1:17; Hebrews 1:3). By His word alone, He is able to create. Every word He has ever spoken is true, whether spoken to anyone who has ever lived, or recorded in Scripture. He still speaks today. All power is in His word, and what He says is.
Revelation 19:13- “He [Jesus] was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.”
- The Holy Spirit will lead us to all truth. As the time drew near for Jesus’ crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension into heaven, He told His disciples He would be going away. John 16:7-13- “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away the Helper [Holy Spirit] will not come to you; but if I depart [from the earth] I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you will see me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will tell you things to come.”
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus [Truth] remaining in the earth and abiding in the hearts of believers. He is available to counsel, to provide wisdom, to comfort, and to guide us to the truth. Just like Jesus, He speaks only what He hears the Father say. Jesus is the Truth, and His Spirit is available to teach us the truth. Rather than rely on social media or the internet, we are to seek the Truth by seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit, where we will find our best council.
Let me conclude by telling this story. I was driving in my car alone, and was headed home after running some errands. I was singing worship songs from a crusade meeting my wife and I had attended the evening before in another city. I could sense the presence of the Holy Spirit. Traffic was light. I was approaching a T-intersection where I would turn left and then be only about a mile from home. I observed the traffic light was green on my side. My logical conclusion (my truth) based on that fact was that I had the right-of-way and should proceed. If others had been in the car with me, we would have all agreed to proceed based on the facts. The truth was I had the right to proceed. At that point I heard a voice come over my left shoulder that said “Look left.”
There was no one in the car, but it was as close to an audible voice in the car as I can describe. As I looked left, a car was approaching the intersection from the left. This should not be a problem, as the light would be red on their side. However, because of the warning, I continued to watch as we now both neared the intersection. I slowed until I came to a complete stop at the green light, while the oncoming car sped through the intersection through a red light. Had I not stopped, I would have been hit broad-side on the driver’s side. The God of the universe had spoken. The truth was I needed to stop, even though the facts said I should proceed. The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth, but we have to be connected to Him by relationship in order to hear the truth.
Isaiah 30:21 says- “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying “This is the way; walk in it.” This promise assures us it is possible to know the truth from the Holy Spirit-the only reliable source, and just as Jesus said. My prayer is we will come into that relationship with the living God, and have ears to hear. In this time of chaos, the world needs to hear truth.